Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rainy Day Lisbon can still be fun
Day 29:
I think that I am beginning to appreciate the little things more as I spend time here in Portugal. Seeing the different cultures, hearing experiences of countries under ban, being treated in ways that aren't the norm for us- we are beginning to realize more than we ever have that life could be so much harder than it is back home. Not to say that life is easy but at least we have personal space and a mutual understanding of respect when speaking with people, we aren't under ban, we have freedom of speech, and we don't get mugged or harassed on a daily basis. As we discussed experiences over dinner with Tia, Antonio, and Crystal, I was beginning to feel very blessed for my visit here and the opportunity I have to learn and experience the world outside of my small little town.
The view from the bus window isn't much of the Lisbon we have been enjoying these past few days but it's what I got to look at as I headed back to the apartment this morning from a very noble effort at field service. Nobody wants to be out in this weather, so I headed indoors to search yellow pages for names on territory cards that seemed to be foreign to Portugal. It isn't an easy task when you aren't familiar with the difference between surnames in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Nepali, etc. It was interesting, though, to map it all out by potential English speaking folk and prepare myself for the physical searching to come.
Meeting came and went by so fast tonight! Afterward, we went upstairs to Tia's apartment for dinner and conversation with friends. It's amazing to hear people's stories about how they found the truth and the things they have seen and battled in their lifetime. I learned that in Morocco the witnesses are banned and will endanger their lives if they wear badges, in India you might get trafficked for being blonde (Makenzie isn't allowed to go), it isn't uncommon for people to be mugged in the street on Malaysia, and even in Portugal it is illegal to record things on territory cards! The world is so much bigger than just the area in which we live- I've always known this- but now I get to see it and it amazes me to realize how close to the end we really are. One thing I learned today is that Portugal is only the first of many adventures to come and it isn't over yet! Day 30 is a day out on the town and a surprise for Tenesha!
Today's Positives:
Even on our slowest of days we had fun and had more crazy adventures like random drunk men trying to kiss faces and getting threatened with sticks
Learned how to do search work at home on rainy days!
Decided that I no longer have a desire to visit Morocco
Had a lot of fun getting to know new friends and their backgrounds and world experiences
I feel as though I am becoming more cultured.... and I thoroughly enjoy it

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