Monday, March 3, 2014

Family Worship in the cold
An evening stroll
Search work this morning
Day 31:
Today, we set off for a new university in hopes of finding English speaking students in Lisbon on exchange. Unfortunately, after a long bus ride and some walking, all we found was a catholic school and a lack of English speaking foreigners but we were out and that is what counts! After service, we all went home to do some personal studying and prepare ourselves for this month in the case that we do find someone to talk to. In the apartment, we gathered together for family worship and took turns acting out different situations that we might run into in the ministry and practiced our replies with the help of our reasoning books and bibles. 
Thankfully, we got to enjoy a bit of sunshine throughout the day. Taking full advantage, I went for a nice walk with Makenzie on the cobblestone streets. The more I am out and exploring, the more I learn that beauty is found in all sorts of places. As the night began to approach, a light drizzle began to fall and brought the familiar smell of fresh rainfall to our senses. It made me miss Oregon and the pines, grass beneath my feet, birds other than pigeons singing around me, and flowers blooming as far as the eye can see. Lisbon, however, has its own beauty.
The architecture that surrounds us- buildings that were built so beautiful and mighty so that they might last for generations to appreciate. The hidden treasures that lurked around every corner of the labyrinths of city streets so small and mysterious. Statues in the centers of districts so wonderfully crafted and artistically detailed. I have even come to appreciate the cobblestone with intricate designs that one can only imagine the countless hours it would take to lay in such a manner. From the sound of Latin tongues filling the air to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries- this city is definitely one with character and beauty. Though I miss Oregon at times I feel so blessed to be living the words found at Luke 4:43 and I find it such a privilege to share in such a wonderful work in such a beautiful place. Tomorrow we search again for another campus and the. spend the evening out with Ellie- who knows what we will do on the town, but I know we will have fun.
Today's Positives:
Got a beautiful message from a wonderful friend that absolutely made my day
We are all feeling prepared to "go therefore and make disciples"
Tomorrow promises to be an adventurous search for new places
The sun came out for us today

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