Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Inside looking out
Day 54:
I suppose if you're going to get sick you might as well do it in a country where medicine is dirt cheap, prescriptions rarely exist, and pharmacies are around every corner. Though the sun was out, I felt the cold in my bones as the chills ran through my whole body. I am happy to report that I rested- this is rare for me, even when I am feeling under the weather. With Makenzie being miserably sick, I didn't want to risk pushing myself and being ill for more than the necessary amount of time I need to get over this. Overall, it was a good day.
I stayed in the apartment and drank tea and ate soup and studied and watched movies. Reading seemed like the most favorable of things to do, but with a headache it just doesn't always work out so well. Although, I did stumble upon Hebrews 11:6 today in my attempt to read and I found it extremely fitting. Looking back on this past year, I will say that faith has gotten me where I am now and I have never been happier. What's even better is that, looking forward, I know that if I keep having faith in Jehovah and base my decisions on that faith- I will look back in another year (even in 35 days from now) and be able to say the same. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know that I have faith that if I put Jehovah first, He will reward me with something great. I never imagined that I would be serving where the need is great in an apartment in Europe with amazing, spiritual girls.... but here I am. I'm excited to see what else Jehovah has in store for the future and where He will guide me next.
Movie watching isn't too exciting but when you're in Europe I guess crazy things just happen no matter what you do. The doorbell rang sometime around 7:30- Ellie was leaving so she saw the two men on the staircase and they left their flyer under the door for us to read. Not ten minutes after Ellie had left, the doorbell rang again. Looking out the peephole, I saw two men in uniform and assumed it was the police again paying us some visit for some reason or another. I opened the door. It wasn't the police. Two men stood there, trying to sell me a security system. They were holding the same flyer that they had slid under the door when Ellie had left. They were young, probably in their late twenties, and they didn't seem to take their job very seriously. After realizing that we weren't interested in purchasing a security system for a house we would only be in for a few more days, the two boys resorted to asking us out for sinks- leaving another flyer and pointing out in a blunt manner where we could find their contact information on the flyer. After a few moments of insisting that we weren't beer drinkers or interested in going out with them, we said good evening and closed the door. Closed, locked, chained the door as they kept trying to persuade us on the other side. For big, thick, wooden doors, you sure can hear a lot of what goes on on the other side. After we were sure they had gone, Makenzie, Meghan, and I had ourselves a pretty good laugh. So that was our excitement for the day. From then on it was movies, showers, tea, medication and blankets. Viva la Vida.
Today's Positives:
Study, meditation, and reflection were achieved to some degree and I am feeling good about life and the future
All us sickies got some much needed rest today
Got to watch a few food movies from the past that made us laugh and feel a bit better
With all this rest we can't be out for too much longer

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