Saturday, March 22, 2014

Avocado Juice with brunch in between dress shops
 Day 50:
I felt ecstatic when Connie invited us to go wedding dress shopping with her this morning. In girl code, this is a pretty big deal- the only people who really go wedding dress shopping with you are your female relatives, your future in-law female relatives, and your closest friends. Not saying that Connie doesn't have friends closer than us, but it was a privilege to be invited by her. It made us feel so welcomed and special and loved.
Something about spring is very romantic, I suppose. I am starting to notice that 55% (roughly guesstimating) of the people I know are either beginning to date or getting married or having a baby. 40% (again with the rough figures) are already married. The remaining 5%, well we are in this apartment together or hanging out on a Friday night with Vegemite or movies. Do we feel lonely being single- not one bit. Having each other for support and being so busy with the work we are doing leaves no time to be lonely. I am really happy for Connie, though. I'm happy for Connie, and Tia, and Ayssa, and all my other friends who have recently found love. It makes me happy to see them happy.
After a morning of sunshine, avocado juice, and various types of fabrics in 12 or so different shades of white, Ellie and I went out in the ministry together. We visited some return visits and talked to people on the streets when we could. Our last stop before meeting was one of Ellie's studies. It was a house full of people but we were here to focus on the children. Between the Watchtower study and the children who so eagerly sat in laps and sang along with videos from the society's website, I can't help but appreciate youth and how love for God and truth can grow and develop in such a tender age. It makes me appreciate more those around me who are younger than I am. It also makes me realize that you should never underestimate those around you- not even by their age- because you never know what is in a person's heart. Looking at the faces of the children as they smiled at the vides and our study, I couldn't help but imagine what one day they might become.
Today's Positives:
I had a wonderful time with Ellie and Connie and am so glad that I got to help Connie and be with her in her search for a dress
The sun was shining for our morning out
Some guy on the street gave us flowers
We had a wonderful time out in service and seeing the joy on the faces of the children made my day
The meeting was so refreshing, as usual
I get to sleep in tomorrow!

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