Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 45:
we can only guess what the next half of our stay here in Lisbon will bring but we know it will lead us somewhere greater than we ever have imagined
Today marks the halfway point.
Thinking about this in the morning was bittersweet for me. Forty five days and I feel like I haven't done as much as I had hoped. Sometimes it feels like each day is such a struggle to get through, like being thrown one obstacle after another and getting through it just to be knocked down again. I say this, not to be confused with pessimism, but in a manner of dignity and renewed strength. We have made it forty five days of some of the most intimidating work, in a foreign place, with no family or friends along with us, where everything is different and difficult to understand, and we are still standing- laughing and happy with all the determination in the world to make it through this experience and finish strong.
As we did our family worship tonight- after service and touring the city with our visiting Ellie- we were all deeply touched by the video on the society's website. The video follows a young girl who put all her faith in Jehovah to serve where there was a great need for kingdom preachers. Hearing her speak of the challenges felt all too familiar. Hearing her speak of the blessings in which she reaped was even more real. Thinking about what this experience is doing for us- the opportunity we have to experience the best life and building our faith in Jehovah- it makes me realize that today marks the halfway point. We are forty five days stronger, forty five says wiser, and we have forty five days to keep growing and giving. These next forty five days will continue to be a struggle and to have their own anxieties, but we will continue to be happy and to be blessed. We have each other, we have so much to look forward to, and most of all we have Jehovah
Today's Positives:
Went on a study with a girl who's love for the Bible and God are so sincere and genuinely inspiring
Got used as an example in the ministry as someone who relies on Jehovah and proves that He provides (that made my day)
Had a fun time running around the city with the girls and showing Ellie a few places
I end the day feeling uplifted and sound in mind and heart that this will be one of the best experiences of our lives

Just What We Needed

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