Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 48:
Today served as a reminder that spring has sprung. Trees  that were once barren seem to have bloomed over night as I walked through the park. After a morning of cleaning the apartment with Audry  and Makenzie I was out in service with a Portuguese sister, Yara. Tara and I took our time finding English speakers on the streets as we got lost in the city searching for her territory. Joining the English congregation in January, Yara and her sister Neomi are fairly new to the area so between the two of us, getting lost was no problem.

lonely pup sleeping on a bench in the park


Statues around every corner
We walked the streets for hours. When it grew dark we called it a day. Having talked to a few tourists downtown, we can safely say that it was a productive day. Plus, we found a few new places on our way to Yara's territory. One thing I am learning is that the entire city is one bug circle- a big circle connected by alleyways and seven hills. I still have much more exploring to do, though. Lisbon is full of hidden surprises- we have 41 more days to find as many as possible.
Today's Positives:
Discovered a few new places with a new friend
We got the apartment looking nice and clean
Talked to a few people today about the truth and am feeling more than ready to begin the campaign this Saturday
I'm still in Europe with my best friends, doing the best thing we can do with our lives


  1. Greetings Jasmine!

    I recently found your blog. Wonderful!

    It sounds as if you're having the experience of a lifetime. I really enjoy your writing. When it is over I'm sure this blog will bring the excitement back to your mind when you read it.

    Give our love to Audry.

    Greg and Marlene Gillson
    San Marcos, California

    1. Thank you, Greg and Marlene!
      I shared your comment with Audry and she sends her love back. Thanks for reading, I am really glad that you like it!
