Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 35:
We started the day with some major house cleaning which, of course, wound up in laughter and goofing off but we got it done and had a good time doing it. The rest of the day was spent on our studies. Each of us prepared for the meeting tomorrow as well as spent time on personal study, sitting in the warmth of the sunshine as we did so. I cannot begin to express how happy we are that it was seventy degrees and blue skied all day. It can be safely said that we were all in need of some good old fashioned vitamin d.
Audrey- feeling comfy in her clean comforter

After studying and running to the post office, we decided to go for a jog to a park not too far from the apartment and bask in the sun for a while. We climbed the rope jungle gym and jogged along the streets before heading home to shower for our big night out. Tonight, we were celebrating our one month abroad anniversary!
As a special gift from Makenzie's mother, we received a dinner in a high end restaurant accompanied by some friends in the congregation. From baked cheese with honey and basil to veal with mushrooms and mashed potatoes, we enjoyed every bite and moment of our wonderful celebratory dinner at Sessenta Restaurant. After dinner, we all headed to the Decadent bar to meet Ellie for a night on the town. To our surprise, there was a musician tonight who performed acoustic covers of popular songs for a few hours. We all stayed and talked and danced as we listened to him play. Talk about talent. As he took a short intermission, the musician spoke with us, asking why we were in Lisbon and how we liked it here so far and how long we were staying. After a brief description of our volunteer work, we received an official invite to a concert that him and his band are playing in a few weeks! So we stayed out for a while- we danced, we talked with our friends, we had an amazing night and a wonderful day. I think I can safely say that we are all feeling in better spirits after day 35. Tomorrow, we have service all day and then meeting at six! Hopefully the sun will be out again.

Today's Positives:
We all have clean laundry and sheets
I got a nice run in the sun with my friends
Studied a wonderful article about relying on Jehovah that made me feel amazingly renewed in mind and spirit
Had an absolutely amazing dinner and live concert with a wonderful group of people

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