Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 46:
Step by step, I feel as though my feet have grazed every cobblestone in Lisbon. Spending the morning in the ministry with Connie, a sister from New Zealand who lives in the apartment above ours, was such a wonderful beginning to the day. Sun on our backs, strolling the city, searching for people to talk to about the truth- Connie and I got to know each other better. I really like Connie- I like how down to earth she is, I like her love for Jehovah, her soft demeanor, and her sense of humor. It was a great morning, I made a new friend and plan on joining her for a few outings in the coming weeks.
After service hours were filled with errands and studies. More walking, more sunshine- I was fairly happy. This evening, our Australian friend, Justin, had invited us over for a dinner of some of his favorites. Appetizers consisted of bread and Vegemite (I'm actually extremely excited that I can check eating Vegemite off of my list), for dinner Justin had made the best soup that consisted of a blend of vegetables and herbs he had grown accustomed to while living in Thailand, and for dessert he made spiced chocolate mousse with praline topping and cayenne pepper. Between the food, the wine, and the music we all agreed that Justin is a class A entertainer. My favorite part of the evening was when he taught us Australian phrases... I am so determined to learn and use as much of them as possible while I am in his company. I also like that I am dunned the "Daggy Jumper Nana". It means I am a bit of an old soul who wears nerdy sweaters- term of endearment, I have been assured. So we made plans to karaoke sometime before our trip is done.

between the walking and all the food, we are all ready to crash and
 sleep in as late as possible before we hit the town again tomorrow. Day 47- Ellie's last day so we are making the best of it!
Today's Positives:
I am learning more about the friend's in the congregation and making a lot of new friends from all over the world. It makes me realize and appreciate the fact that I am part of the only organization where something so fantastic is possible and I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to meet such wonderful people.
I learned that Vegemite tastes like malt and salt but is quite good when you pair it with a mild, soft cheese
Overall, every moment of the day was enjoyable and I end it looking forward to all the fun times that lay ahead