Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 11: I woke up this morning to the sound of rain falling and wind angrily blowing outside the walls of this old building. My heart grew heavy with disappointment as I realized that service plans were broken for the day. I don't know how to explain, but something very wonderful happens to one's mental state when kept busy doing the kind of work we were sent here to do. Feeling desperate to go out in service and overwhelmed by the fact that this day might be the day that I literally go stir crazy, Audry, Makenzie, and I decided to brave the mini storm and try our hand at informal witnessing. We quickly learned why exactly it is that the locals choose to stay home or do studies and calls indoors on days like these.
We witnessed the death of many umbrellas on this day- walking past bins full of broken ones left behind by some poor pedestrian who was forced to face the spitting rain face on. As we walked, we saw the damage of the windstorm. Trees lay fallen on the sidewalks, people running for cover and disappearing in the corridors of the city streets. It was as if all life was swept by the wind into the alleys and swallowed by the shadows of doors that remained hidden against the city walls. After about an hour of walking in the miserable conditions, we decided to duck into a café in the heart of Marques de Pombal. We sat, soaked, but relieved to be out of the sideways rainfall. Spending some time enjoying espresso and the shelter, we observed people around us, looking for someone who might speak English. We never did get our opportunity, but we got to enjoy the time together, planning for future days like this and having our literature handy in case the opportunity did arise.
The rest  of our day consisted of cleaning, music, studying, talking, and movies. Recuperating from the weather and preparing for tomorrow's attempt at service. The weather report predicts rain until Sunday, though I hope it stops for us soon. Something about it makes me miss home terribly. For now, though, I listen to it fall as the wind sings outside my window, and I rest for what I hope to be a better day. Day 12, please shine a little sun on us.

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