Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rossio- out in service

some nights you just need burgers

Day 61: The puffy pink clouds were a pleasant surprise considering the forecast called for lightning. Service seemed like a good idea since we had the opportunity to get some sunshine. Ellie and I worked some territory this evening... it was all I could do seeing as walking down the stairs this morning made me feel like I ran a marathon. Being sick has a way of sapping all your mental and physical power.
After a couple hours of service, we made our way back to the kingdom hall for meeting. I recall feeling a bit drained and highly lethargic before meeting, but somehow by the end o had caught a second wind. Coming home on a bus that was half filled with witnesses and an armful of fresh brochures I got from the literature counter made me feel so happy and excited. Even thought the stranger in the bus seat next to us snarled in our direction and was murmuring things in Portuguese under his breath at us, we were still all so happy. Sitting in the apartment after meeting, we decided that eleven was just as good a time as any to get hamburgers from a food truck- so we did. Sometimes we forget that the buses stop running at eleven thirty five but it's okay because if we didn't have to walk the mile home in the freezing cold, we never would have stumbled upon the park or made the memories we made tonight. Between the spiritual fulfillment and the crazy adventures with my amazing friends, it kind of makes knowing that this is our last month a bit depressing.
Today's Positives:
Had my first hamburger in 6 months... we will see if I catch some sort of weird parasite from the sketchy food truck. Even if I did, it was worth it
Had a good time out in service with Ellie tonight. I missed her and the day was beautiful.
Started feeling a bit better from the illness
Had so much fun with the friends after meeting and with the girls on our midnight hunt for junk food
We still have a month worth of memories to make

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